tes. t i | f y

  1. to make a declaration to substantiate a fact; to bear witness or give evidence, esp. under oath;
  2. to bear witness to; affirm; declare or proclaim publicly;
  3. to serve as evidence

View the Books


Testify is a 5” x 7” book with three books in the collection.
Stories are updated on a continuous basis from our archives.
These stories are written by your guests and award winning writers.

The books are printed on recycled paper in:

Cover Color / Cover Stock / Inside Stock
Winter Wheat / 100# Royal Complement / 70# Carnival Vellum Text, Color: Land
Tuscan Sun / 100# Royal Complement / 70# Carnival Vellum Text, Color: Land
Citron / 100# Royal Complement / 70# Carnival Vellum Text, Color: Land

CLICK HERE to view samples of all available cover stocks.


“I was delighted to find Testify on the bed. A few of the attached I wrote while staying at the hotel. I have many more.”

Pricing Information

For pricing, customization options and further information contact Lisa at lisa@howlpress.com or call (617) 479-5774